The Hustle: Basic Editing Tutorials

Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash


This edition of the Hustle comes from our founder, Kim Hoyos. Kim is a filmmaker and digital strategist who has experience with video editing and filmmaking both from her professional experience as well as through her education. From projects with major brands to start-ups, editing has been an extremely useful tool for her. Check out what she has to share + some basic editing tutorials to get yourself started.

- the Light Leaks

Editing is a very useful skill to have. Whether you intend to go into editing as a career, are trying to spice up your resume with a new skill, or simply want to edit killer Instagram videos (I edit videos for IG very, very often) editing is awesome.

I feel that editing can so easily be a classist or sexist region in film because of the costs of software and maintenance fees and the stereotypes of women not being tech savvy. Because of financial circumstances, someone can easily be placed at a disadvantage completely out of their hands. Environment plays into confidence as well-  I’ve personally witnessed a lot of women lose confidence in their editing ability due to patriarchal influence. So my message today is if you have at your disposal the resources to learn editing, learn it. Buy the programs and figure out how to create the work you want to.

Options for circumventing financial insecurity: seek out your local public library’s multimedia resources, look to your community centers for guidance, and browse your local public high school’s night programs for multimedia editing and photography, or try to find an older download or trial download for free online!

Below I’ve put together a list of videos (all by female creators) that should help you get a basic understanding of some programs. If you’ve seen any online you’d want us to add, let us know!

with love,

Kim Hoyos, TLL founder

Windows Movie Maker


Final Cut Pro

Adobe Premiere Pro

Smartphone Editing

The Hustle is The Light Leaks’ newest resource tailored to YOU! Ask us questions, if we can’t answer from our own experience, we’ll find someone who’s able to. From creative block to actionable career steps, hit us up with your questions at with “the Hustle” as the subject line. We got you.


The Hustle: What should I do if I don’t think my job is a good fit anymore?


The Hustle: Basic Screenwriting Tips